Service packages
We offer a full range of service packages to suit every clients needs, we can also cover all of your breakdown and remedial works as and when required.
We are of course happy to put together a bespoke package for you but the options below give you an idea of what we can offer.
All packages are quoted individually and will be priced by our team once we have visited your site.

1 Star Package
- 1 maintenance visit every 6 months
2 Star Package
1 maintenance visit and 1 service visit per year
3 Star Package
- 2 maintenance visits and 1 service per year
- 24/7 365 days a year emergency call out.
4 Star Package
- 2 maintenance visits and 2 service visits per year
- 24/7 365 days a year emergency call out
- Price fixed for 2 years
This package works well for server rooms and highly used systems.
5 Star Package
- 4 maintenance visits and 2 service visits per year
- 24/7 365 days a year emergency call out